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Thursday, April 18, 2013


BarbiePrime Interview

I am a 'pro-gamer' not a 'girl-gamer.'Much like many other sports, eSports started out with separate leagues for men and women. However, this has changed and men and women alike can face off against each other in the same league.From the beginning of eSports Samsung Khan Coach Kim Ga Eul and caster Lee Hyun Joo were very active, and in their wake, players such as TossGirl and maRie played in the same competitions as male gamers. In Starcraft II, StartaleAphrodite and AzubuEve have continuously tried their skills in individual leagues.In such an environment, yet another female gamer has emerged. This said person is Lee Yoo Ra, or 'Barbie' of team Prime. She appeared in this GSTL's roster magically and has intrigued many a fan. We at Inven were able to secure an interview with BarbiePrime and discuss her dreams and goals, as well as Starcraft II.


Q: It's very nice to meet you. Please say hi to the fans.
A: It's nice to meet you too. I am the new member of Prime, Lee Yoo Ra 'BarbiePrime.'

Q: When was your first encounter with Starcraft II?
A: I enjoyed playing Starcraft: Brood War when I was a sophomore in high school. I started Starcraft II the same time I decided to become a pro-gamer, which was January 1st of this year. So it's been about 4 months.

Q: Why have you decided to become a pro-gamer?
A: I have known Coach Park Woe Shik for a long time and we would occasionally go to PC cafes and play. One day, he asked half jokingly if I had ever thought about becoming a pro-gamer. I've always loved a challenge, and so after much consideration I told him that I wanted to try.

Q: What did you do before you became a pro-gamer?
A: After graduating from college I worked as a flight attendant for about a year.

Q: Are there any other games you like to play?
A: Brood War was the only game I knew how to play. I'm the type to get tunnel vision on one thing and that thing for me was Brood War.

Q: There aren't many female pro-gamers in Starcraft II, so I'm wondering how your friends and family reacted to your decision.
A: I was definitely worried that my parents and my older sister would disapprove, but my father said he would always support me as long as I do what I love. I am so grateful to him. My older sister is my make-up artist and she follows me whenever I go to a match or an event. (laughs)

Q: Why did you decide to play Protoss?
A: I played Protoss when I played Brood War. But as time went on, the Protoss units looked cuter so I decided to stick with Protoss.

Q: What is a matchup you are confident in?
A: Though I am still lacking in all three, I very much enjoy PvP. I really love Void Rays. Infestors and Mutalisks are so strong in PvZ and PvT is still very hard.

Q: Did you watch the match between Aphrodite and Eve? And when will we be able to watch your debut match?
A: I saw the match live and I think they are both very good. I still have a long way to go, so once my coach and teammates approve, you will see me play.

Q: In your GSTL match against Azubu on March 30th, the "Prime Dog" piqued the interest of many. Could you introduce it?
A: The dog's name is 'Barbie." She is actually the real BarbiePrime. I've had her for about 3 years but because everyone works she is alone most of the time. So after asking the coach and teammates, they let me bring her along to the GSTL.

Q: Do you think team Prime has changed at all with a female gamer coming into the fray?
A: My teammates don't treat me any differently just because I'm a girl. But I do turn on upbeat or sad music depending on whether or not we won. (laughs)

Q: We heard you live in the team house, do you have any difficulties?
A: I lived in dorms from 4th to 8th grade for soccer so I'm used to this kind of life. There aren't really any difficulties; I just practice from 11am to 11pm.

Q: I think it would be hard to adjust seeing as how you are a female gamer; is there anyone who particularly took care of you?
A: I wondered how I would get to know everyone but as time passed I became friendly with everyone.

Q: Do you think of Aphrodite or Eve as one of your rivals?
A: I have not debuted yet, and I am not nearly as good as either of them. Once I debut, you can decide that for yourselves.

Q: Do you have any goals as a female gamer ?
A: I don't want to say just yet. I dream on a big scale so until my skills are approved I won't tell. I am still practicing, playing against my fellow teammates.

Q: Any last words?
A: I, BarbiePrime, am working hard so I will meet you again in top condition. I want to become a player that is recognized for skill and I will work hard to achieve that. And please root for team Prime. Thank you.

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